Register for the Visión y Compromiso Conference

Register from July 26 to September 9. There will be no registration on-site.

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Emergency contact

Select your Workshops and Evening Events

Please indicate the workshops and evening events you plan to attend. Choose one workshop in each workshop group (track). Plenary sessions, breakfasts, and lunches are automatically added to your schedule. 

All workshops will be presented in Spanish. Workshops that offer Spanish-to-English interpretation are indicated by an asterisk after the title and "simultaneous interpretation into English" in the description.

After completing your registration, you will have the option to create an account to make additional changes, if necessary.


Oct 3 3:00-6:00 pm

  • Visit our Exhibitors and Marketplace

Oct 3 • 6:30–10:00 pm

  • Welcome Reception

    Welcome Reception

    We invite you to participate in the Welcome Reception—a very special annual event to kick off our conference. Under this year's inspiring theme, “Bloom Where You Are Planted,” we will celebrate together all we have accomplished and how much we can flourish when we are together. The Welcome Reception will be an evening full of joy, inspiration and camaraderie, full of unforgettable moments, sharing connection, and fun for everyone! Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy, learn and celebrate with your colleagues and friends! Join us for a magical night where we will “bloom together" with music for dancing and a talent show for promotoras to showcase their talents, art and passions. Suggestion: We invite you to wear floral attire in the colors of your choice. We look forward to seeing you!

    Open to all people registered for the conference. Snacks are provided but NO dinner.


Oct 4 8:00–9:00 am

  • Continental Breakfast

Oct 4 9:00–10:00 am

  • Welcome Session*

  • * Simultaneous interpretation into English

Oct 4 10:00–11:30 am

  • Plenary* - "Voices of Change: The Legacy of Promotoras"

  • Through personal narratives, we will hear about the power of promotoras and how they serve as catalysts for change within their communities, inspiring others to build a legacy of community resiliency.

  • * Simultaneous interpretation into English

Oct 4 11:30 am-1:00 pm

  • Lunch and Entertainment

Oct 4 1:00-1:45 pm

  • Visit our Exhibitors and Marketplace

Oct 4 • 1:45 pm–3:45 pm: Workshops A (Choose One)

  • Connect IE: Community Resources at Your Fingertips

    Alejandro Espinoza and Sergio Rodríguez

    This workshop will provide information about a free, easy-to-use community resource directory. This tool can help promotoras improve outcomes for people who need assistance and optimize resource sharing.

    Identify and navigate key features: Attendees will be able to identify and navigate the key features of the Connect IE online resource guide, including search functions, categories, and filtering options, to efficiently find the information they need.
    Utilize resources effectively: Participants will learn how to utilize the various resources available in Connect IE, such as articles, tutorials, videos, and tools, to enhance their knowledge and skills in the relevant subject area.
    Implement best practices for continued use: Learners will understand best practices for integrating the Connect IE online resource guide into their regular workflow, including bookmarking, creating accounts, and setting up alerts or notifications for new content, ensuring they make the most of the resource over time.

  • Let’s Learn About Palliative Care

    Olivia Tigre Nerimora

    In this workshop, participants will learn to identify palliative care and how it can improve the quality of life for people living with serious illnesses as well as provide immense benefits for their families.

    Learn how to best describe and explain what palliative care is. This includes understanding the criteria for someone to receive palliative care.
    Describe the process to access palliative care, including how to request a referral.
    Identify at least three benefits that palliative care can provide for patients and their loved ones and caregivers.

  • Cultivating Emotional Resilience*

    María de los Ángeles Garduño López

    In this workshop, participants will learn how to cultivate emotional resilience by integrating the holistic practice of meditation to strengthen personal and professional well-being, allowing promotoras to offer better support to the community.

    Reflect on present emotions and how they influence thinking and behavior, and identify emotional strengths and areas for improvement.
    Learn practical strategies for communicating boundaries assertively and respectfully.
    Use the technique of breath-based meditation to connect with the present moment and teach how to recognize and accept emotions without judgment.

    * Simultaneous interpretation into English

  • First Steps to Manage Early Vision Loss

    Priscilla Rogers and Marianela Moran

    This workshop will present practical strategies to support individuals facing vision loss such as effective medication management, activities of daily living, and access to resources leading to empowerment and improved safety and independence.

    List the first steps for helping people with vision loss and find the help and services they need.
    Identify home and bath modifications to make a living environment safer and more accessible for people with vision loss.
    Discuss basic ways to help people with vision loss, manage medications, safe kitchen use, and carrying out daily living tasks.

  • How to Effectively Provide Resources and Education on Blood Cancer Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques

    Charoh Ortiz, Lupe Dominguez, and Alfredo Martinez

    In this workshop, participants will learn about different types of blood cancers, how to identify the most common symptoms, and the steps to take if you suspect someone has blood cancer. Information on free programs and services available to patients, survivors, and caregivers will also be provided. This workshop will focus on motivational interviewing techniques that promotoras can apply in the community.

    Understand the definition of blood cancers, including their various types, and learn to identify some of the most common symptoms.
    Identify the appropriate steps to take when a community member is diagnosed with a blood cancer or exhibits symptoms that may lead to a diagnosis, and learn about the free services and resources available through LLS for patients, survivors, and caregivers.
    Learn foundational motivational interviewing techniques to effectively deliver information about blood cancers and LLS programs and services, particularly when encountering resistance from community members.

  • The Kidneys and Their Three Enemies

    Franco Reyna

    In this workshop, participants will learn about how excessive consumption of sugar, salt, and fat can lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and to problems with the kidneys and other organs.

    Understand the risks for chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.
    Learn to identify the major causes of kidney problems.
    Understand the complications caused by diabetes and high blood pressure.

  • A Holistic Approach to Health*

    Hector Balcazar

    This workshop will provide necessary knowledge to practice holistic health care in different areas: health systems, programs, the community, families, and individuals.

    Identify the new public health model where the terms “health” and “public” are defined and expanded within the context of social justice as a philosophy of social and community transformation.
    Describe the roles and competencies established by the Consensus C3 project, as well as a new training model with ten modules that include these profiles.
    Learn about the model and contract process that includes three areas: context, content, and reflection to transform community actions.

    * Simultaneous interpretation into English

  • Environmental Causes of Childhood Cancer

    Erica Guerrero and Emilio Saenz

    In this workshop, participants will develop effective communication skills to inform communities about childhood cancer risk factors related to the environment and how to prevent them. Different educational techniques will be shared, such as interactive exercises, videos, and role-plays.

    Describe three environmental risk factors for childhood cancer and its increasing prevalence in Latino children.
    Identify three ways to prevent exposures to environmental hazards known to increase the risk of childhood cancer.
    Incorporate information on environmental causes of childhood cancer in their work with community groups using materials provided by the workshop.

  • The Importance of Health Knowledge in Aging with Dignity

    Russell A. Bennett

    In this workshop through dialogue, participants will identify how to develop and implement effective strategies to improve knowledge of senior health concerns, recognizing the barriers and challenges they face.

    Understand the concept and importance of knowledge about the health of older adults.
    Identify and describe the main barriers and challenges that older adults face with their health.
    Participate in a dialogue on how to develop and implement effective strategies to improve health literacy among older adults.

  • The Autism Spectrum: Understanding and Possibilities

    Henry Saray

    In this workshop participants will learn about the autism spectrum, including detection, interventions, and impact in order to empathetically share information and promote a better understanding in the community.

    Recognize autism spectrum disorder.
    Share accurate information about the broad spectrum of autistic abilities and how it affects both children and adults.
    Promote a positive understanding of neurodiversity through recognizing the importance of engaging with neurodivergent people.

  • Health for Latinos in the Pursuit of Equity in End-of-Life Care

    Maria Otero and Leslie Martinez

    This workshop will address the lack of discussion about death and provide culturally appropriate information to empower Latinos to make informed decisions and exercise their end-of-life rights. Our goal is to promote health equity and ensure equitable access to quality end-of-life care, regardless of ethnic or cultural background.

    Understand the importance of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and the various components of an Advance Directive for Medical Care.
    Learn the tools and resources related to end-of-life care that Compassion & Choices specifically offers for the Latino community.
    Learn effective strategies to promote discussions about personal values and wishes in health crisis situations.

  • 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's

    Linda Loera

    This workshop will describe the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease and find out how to recognize the signs in yourself and others. Particpatns will also hear from people who have the disease.

    Describe typical age-related memory, thinking, or behavior changes.
    Recognize common warning signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
    Discuss tips for approaching someone about memory concerns and the importance of early detection and benefits of diagnosis.

Oct 4 • 4:00–6:00 pm: Workshops B (Choose One)

  • Personality and Its Influence on Community Work from a Holistic Approach

    Henry Saray

    This workshop will address what personality is and obtain basic tools to address the personality of the promotora and the personality of another person in any context.

    Understanding personality as an essential element of the individual and its impact on daily life.
    Identify the diversity and complexity of human behavior through the three general types of personalities.
    Develop and implement improvement strategies for community interactions, using basic concepts of personality.

  • The Transformative Power of Art: Resilience, Expression, Transformation and Healing [Sold Out]

    Ramon Gerardo Cadavid Hernandez

    This workshop explores art therapy and how to express and manage your emotions through painting and music, facilitating personal growth.

    Increase awareness about the power of art as a therapeutic tool.
    Initiate a cycle of learning and emotional healing through art therapy.
    Promote emotional well-being through color expression and collective art.

  • Cafecitos as a Community Education Strategy to Prevent Drug Use

    Alicia Yepez, Dámaris Caro, and Delia Cruz

    In this workshop participants will learn how to organize and implement community cafecitos to address issues related to the increase in substance use among youth, providing a safe space for parents and caregivers to learn about the effects of substances, their detection, and effective communication with youth.

    Promote cafecitos as a method to educate parents and caregivers about substance use and other relevant topics in their community.
    Identify the risks to mental and physical health associated with substance use and learn how to recognize signs of substance use in young people.
    Learn techniques for monitoring and engaging in dialogue with young people about substance use.

  • Self-Love and Cultural Identity

    Teresa Santos and Leticia Galicia

    This workshop will use interactive activities to explore how to promote self-love by incorporating cultural practices and creating a safe and inclusive environment with music and artisanal elements that honor local culture.

    Identify the value of culture, language, and shared experiences as essential tools to address mental health disparities in Mexican migrant indigenous communities.
    Explore culturally relevant practices and tools to drive positive change in yourself, your family, and your community.
    Explore how strengthening your self-esteem contributes to a positive reflection of your cultural identity and core values.

  • A Comprehensive Guide for Promotoras to Maximize Medi-Cal Dental Benefits

    Maria Manzur, Salvador Cruz, and Jose Morales

    In this workshop participants will learn about Medi-Cal Dental benefits and finding a dentist and other resources. We will also present the relevance of oral health in children's academic achievement.

    Learn about five Medi-Cal Dental services and how to communicate their benefits to families.
    Learn to use and to access free dental health resources and share them with the community.
    Explain how oral health affects children's academic performance and the crucial role that regular dental visits play in maintaining overall well-being.

  • Empowering the Latino Community to Fight Breast Cancer

    Ilda Zepeda and Brenda McDermott

    This workshop presents the educational initiative of the American Cancer Society (ACS) focused on breast cancer in the Latino community. Tools and resources will be provided covering breast cancer risk factors, symptoms, and screening.

    Become familiar with the screenings that promote prevention and early detection of breast cancer in the Latino community.
    Recognize at least three free tools and resources that can be shared with the community.
    Identify breast cancer risk factors, prevention strategies, and the impact on the Latino community.

  • Learn About the VITA Program and How It Can Help You Process an ITIN Number

    Andrea Chavez

    In this workshop, participants will learn how to obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), tax credits, and a W4 form. VITA Program resources will be shared to support the community and increase community knowledge.

    Learn the process to apply for an ITIN.
    Identify the tax credits you may be eligible for on your tax return and how to correctly complete the W4 form.
    Learn about free resources such as the VITA program and its locations.

  • How to Reduce Your Family’s Carbon Footprint

    Omar Torres Franco

    In this workshop, participants will learn how to help families minimize their carbon footprint and conserve natural resources through daily changes and proper waste management.

    Learn sustainable strategies for families to reduce their carbon footprints and conserve natural resources for future generations.
    Learn how to promote community transformation for an ecologically sustainable society.
    Explore strategies to conserve natural resources in your work as promotoras, creating a positive legacy in your communities.

  • Sowing Habits, Reaping Success*

    Guillermina Montiel Almaz and Ana Laura Martínez Rodríguez

    In this workshop, participants will learn how daily habits can motivate you to positively transform your life and inspire your community to promote healthy practices for a positive and sustainable change.

    Identify how healthy habits can transform your life.
    Motivate personal transformation, helping to create healthier communities by example.
    Identify how certain habits can maximize the potential of each situation and how small actions can yield significant results.

    * Simultaneous interpretation into English

  • Bioethical Training for Promotoras for End-of-life Support

    Karla Armas

    In this workshop we will present the Con Amor y Dignidad project, made up of promotoras who have established themselves as professional agents in community health care through continuous training on topics related to diseases in serious or terminal stages and mental health and emotional well-being with a holistic approach. Their work includes supporting family caregivers to achieve their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being through sharing resources and support related to health services, financial counseling, support groups, and more, so they can connect to program partners as well as government programs. The project’s one purpose is to lovingly welcome caregivers and people receiving care to live through grief and dignify death.

    Learn abilities, skills and attitudes for promotoras to develop true holistic training to comprehensively benefit families facing the illness of a loved one.
    Promote “warm transfer” as a good practice in navigating and promoting resources for vulnerable families.
    Learn the positive impact of continuously gaining scientific knowledge as part of your professional and ethical development.

  • Imagine You Workshop: Four Tools to Build Your Mental Well-being*

    Claudia Leiva and Crisarlin Vasquez-Carrasquillo

    When we are in crisis or in pain, when we don’t have our basic needs met, or we are feeling overwhelmed with all that we have to do for our health and well-being, it can be helpful to see and feel things from a fresh perspective. Promotoras are in a unique position to be able to develop meaningful relationships with the people who they serve. Building on the existing trust and communication capacities of promotoras, the Imagine You workshop introduces four tools for building self-efficacy: the feeling that we are able to do what matters most to us.

    Practice asking yourselves what matters most, and have the opporunity to notice how it feels to think about these priorities.
    Use activity-based learning to imagine and create an image of well-being to remind us what matters most.
    Discover the natural process we all use to form habits and be encouraged to notice and congraduate yourself and your clients for taking small steps toward what matters most.

    * Simultaneous interpretation into English

  • Where We Are Going: A Vision of Economic Justice by and for Promotoras

    Guadalupe Pérez

    In this workshop we will delve into a visionary approach to economic justice and a powerful movement by and for promotoras. Our current economic system deeply impacts promotoras and our communities. Together we will question how things are, imagine how they can be different, and learn examples of steps to get there. We will share our vision for economic justice and discover how we can each contribute to this collective fight for economic liberation.

    Question the way the current economy is structured and identify how it impacts promotoras and our communities.
    Gain a comprehensive understanding of our vision for economic justice and identify why economic justice is important to the collective well-being of our communities.
    Learn inspiring examples and strategic steps toward economic justice and identify actions to contribute to the fight for economic liberation in our communities.

  • Virtual and In-Person Popular Education Materials

    Marlom Portillo and Laura Alfaro López

    This workshop covers the interactive platform: "Virtual and In-Person Popular Education Materials" allowing participants to explore materials and reflect on their design and learn how to create popular education codes.

    Learn to promote engagement with popular education materials.
    Encourage reflection on the foundations of designing popular education materials.
    Obtain tools to facilitate the creation of popular education codes for organizations and projects.

Please indicate below if you will be attending the Celebration Dinner and Corazón Awards on Friday, October 4.

Oct 4 • 7:00 pm–12:00 am

  • Celebration Dinner and Corazón Awards

    Celebration Dinner and Corazón Awards

    Price $120.00



Oct 5 • 7:00–8:00 am: Workshops C "Physical Activity" (Choose One)

  • Tai Chi: Harmony in Motion [Sold Out]

    Mwezo Kudumu

    In this workshop, participants will explore the ancient art of Tai Chi for personal and professional well-being. This workshop delves into the benefits of Tai Chi, including stress management and the development of resilience, crucial for community health roles.

    Learn self-care techniques to alleviate mental and emotional stress.
    Develop skills in Tai Chi, mindfulness, and guided relaxation to quickly clear the mind and calm emotions.
    Learn how to create a culture of wellness to promote consistent self-care practices.

  • Present Meditation, A Lifestyle

    Miriam Hernández

    In this workshop, participants will learn more deeply about present meditation and how to make its practice a lifestyle. By engaging in daily practices, we have appropriate tools to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, achieving not only emotional, but also physical well-being.

    Define the concept of present meditation as a preventive practice.
    Explain at least three benefits of present meditation, emphasizing its importance in personal well-being and mindfulness.
    Identify at least three tools for integrating present meditation into your daily routine, thereby fostering a healthy lifestyle.

  • Bailoterapia (Dance Therapy)

    Maricela Sanchez

    This workshop will be an experiential, active, and dynamic Bailoterapia (Dance Therapy) Circle that will generate new physical skills and emotional health. Sportswear is suggested.

    Learn how Dance Therapy Circles can enhance the well-being of your communities.
    Identify at least two functional physical activity techniques that you can practice at any age.
    Engage in moderate physical activity, gaining an understanding of your body through the four stages of a healthy exercise session.

  • Biodance: Wake Up, Dance, and Transform

    Giovanny Choque Ladino

    In this workshop, participants will explore their emotions and immerse themselves in an experience where biodanza, lights, and music blend to awaken creativity and authentic expression. Through dynamic exercises, we will connect with our deepest essence.

    Improve physical, mental, and emotional health through the practice of biodanza.
    Enhance the harmonious development of human characteristics through immersive experiences in dance and music.
    Promote communication and connection with other human beings and nature.

Oct 5 8:30–10:00 am

  • Continental Breakfast + Plenary* - "Bridging the Generational Gap: Amplifying Youth Voices"

  • Join us as youth leaders share their perspectives on critical issues they face. This plenary aims to highlight the generational gaps and identify common solutions. Let’s unite our experiences, power, and passion to build a bridge of understanding that leads to transformative change toward una vida digna y sana!

  • * Simultaneous interpretation into English

Oct 5 • 10:30 am–12:30 pm: Workshops D (Choose One)

  • Skillful Interrupting: A Courageous Approach to Redirecting Conversations with Clients

    Claudia Leiva and Crisarlin Vasquez-Carrasquillo

    In this workshop, participants will learn a nuanced, compassionate, and culturally sensitive way to redirect a community member who is traumatized, overwhelmed, anxious, or having difficulty staying on topic in conversation, enhancing their ability to listen with empathy and depth, and redirect with compassion.

    Practice skillful and compassionate intervention, promoting its use in personal and community interactions.
    Identify the appropriate use of skillful intervention in their community interactions.
    Appreciate skillful and compassionate redirection in conversations.

  • Sorrow, Grief, and Dealing With Loss [Sold Out]

    Alma Garcia

    This workshop will address the multiple factors that impact how a person adapts to loss. The various ways a person experiences grief depends on the mourner’s personality and their relationship with the deceased.

    Comprehend the concept of grief through the stages of mourning.
    Respect the socio-cultural structure that guides the grieving process and various expressions of grief.
    Promote accessibility to resilient support systems and efficient coping strategies.

  • When Hurt People, Hurt People: A Strategic Approach to Effectively Serve Our Community

    Susana Medina and Lirian Rodriguez

    In this workshop, participants will learn about the concepts of the social determinants of health, the social and family structure, and the benefits of cultural empowerment. We will also explore our community traumas, their implications, and the tools to help improve our community.

    Identify three barriers hindering well-being within our community.
    Facilitate the creation of interventions effectively and sensitively.
    Implement three essential strategies to optimize support for our community.

  • Facing Adversity With Love

    Yiuvany Aguilar Onofre

    This workshop will explore the process of cultivating a resilient and loving mindset in the face of adversity. Participants will learn how self-love, compassion, and empathy can be powerful tools to overcome obstacles and grow personally and professionally. We will identify practical strategies to manage stress, strengthen emotional resilience, and cultivate healthier, more meaningful relationships.

    Strengthen resilience to manage adversity with a positive and loving attitude.
    Promote self-care, highlighting the importance of self-love and self-compassion.
    Cultivate more empathetic and meaningful interpersonal relationships.

  • Cancer Literacy

    Verónica Tejada and Brenda Gascon

    In this workshop, participants will learn cancer prevention and testing curriculum content from City of Hope's Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program which widely disseminates cancer screening and healthy living education and resources aimed at health educators serving the most vulnerable in our communities. The workshop focuses on physical health awareness using a training/educational framework that does not require any expertise and emphasizes the development of attainable and fundamental skills.

    Obtain essential knowledge about resources for cancer awareness and prevention.
    Understand how to share accurate information about cancer screening tests with the Latino community.
    Identify the social determinants of health and focus your efforts on cancer prevention.

  • Smile! Let's Learn About Dental Health and How It Affects Our Physical and Emotional Health

    Julissa McIver

    In this workshop, through the use of visual images, objects, models, and diagrams, participants will learn interactively about the importance of caring for teeth, oral tissues, and organs, as well as systemic diseases that affect oral health. We will explain how to implement simple and effective steps to improve dental, physical, and emotional health.

    Understand the impact of healthy habits on the creation of healthy communities.
    Describe how habits can optimize situations and how small actions can lead to significant results.
    Obtain resources to improve habits for achieving self-discipline, well-being, and productivity.

  • Building Youth Confidence Through Positive Body Language*

    Faviola Mercado, Monica Lopez-Lara, and Alejandra Alonso

    In this workshop, participants will explore the impact of their language, attitudes, and behaviors on young people's perceptions of food, exercise, and body image. The workshop will provide valuable resources and tools for addressing challenging conversations and empowering young people to develop a healthy relationship with their bodies and overall well-being.

    Promote a healthy relationship with food and an active lifestyle for the well-being of young people.
    Identify parenting practices that may negatively influence children’s relationships with food, exercise, and body image.
    Promote an environment that supports healthy self-image and a positive relationship with food and exercise in young people.

    * Simultaneous interpretation into English

  • Chemicals Out! Exploring Natural Methods to Control Pests

    Nancy Villaseñor

    This workshop will present alternatives for eliminating household pests that do not involve toxic chemicals, the short- and long-term health impacts of pesticides, and how to use, store, and dispose of toxic pesticides properly.

    Identify at least three short and long-term effects of chemical pesticides on health.
    Understand how the use of eco-friendly alternatives helps minimize environmental and health risks.
    Learn how to implement at least two safe practices for the handling and disposal of toxic pesticides.

  • Empowering Promotoras: A Journey into Small Business and Entrepreneurship

    Mihai Patru, Franzene Minott, and Bradley Chargualaf

    This interactive session is designed to empower promotoras by providing them with fundamental knowledge and essential skills to begin their entrepreneurial journey. Whether they already have a business idea or are exploring possibilities, the workshop offers valuable insights, practical tools, and inspiring success stories. Our aim is to assist promotoras in realizing how they can transform their passion and skills into a successful enterprise, becoming catalysts for economic growth within their community.

    Equip promotoras with foundational business knowledge.
    Provide financial and business essential skills.
    Inspire and motivate promotoras.

  • Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for Promotoras, Education, and Future Careers*

    Tania Maguiña

    In this workshop, participants will learn about the history and concepts related to artificial intelligence and the practical tools and educational policies that are being developed. We will explore our role in state and federal decision-making.

    Understand artificial intelligence and its fundamental concepts through the study of its historical evolution.
    Explore recent educational policies in artificial intelligence at the state and federal levels and develop an understanding of our roles and potential for involvement.
    Identify future emerging professions in artificial intelligence to share with the community.

    * Simultaneous interpretation into English

  • Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities

    Blaz Gutierrez, Rachelly Escobar, and Vianey Prado

    This workshop will review key aspects of the Lanterman Act and how to enforce these rights. The Disability Rights California workshop focuses on advocating for and promoting the rights of people with disabilities.

    Gain knowledge about Disability Rights California and how to utilize this resource.
    Identify the categories of developmental disabilities and understand eligibility for regional services.
    Understand the right to manage and optimize a relationship with the regional center.

  • A Cancer-Free Future for Our Kids: The Role of HPV Awareness and Vaccination

    Lourdes Barajas and Maritza Gomez

    This workshop addresses the importance of the HPV vaccine for our children, reducing the rate of cancer in our community, and the impact cancer has on the lives of women and men in order to create a greater awareness about cancer prevention in our communities.

    Increase your understanding of HPV, transmission methods, risks, and types of cancer.
    Develop skills to debunk myths and provide accurate information about the HPV vaccine.
    Refine effective communication techniques to promote HPV vaccination in the community.

Oct 5 1:00–3:00 pm

  • Lunch and Closing of the Conference*

  • * Simultaneous interpretation into English

We noticed that you have not selected any workshops. To make your workshop selections, scroll up and click, "Attend this Session" to select up to one workshop in each workshop group. If you do not wish to select your workshops at this time, you may finalize your registration by completing the sections below.

Meal preference

Lunch will be provided on Friday and Saturday only. Lunch will not be provided on Thursday.

Please note that you have not selected to attend the Celebration Dinner and Corazón Awards.” If you would like to attend, please add the item to your schedule in the section titled “Friday, October 4.”

Lodging and parking

Refund Policy

Release of Liability

Media Release


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